Monday, January 30, 2017

Author: Lila Rose
Title: Making Changes
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: February 27, 2017
Photographer: Wander Book Club
Cover Designer: Amity Cross

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Six years with my knight in shining armor.

Four years with my knight in dented armor

Two years with my knight in rusted armor

I, Makenzie Mayfair am leaving my husband.

This is my chance to begin again, to rip out my backbone and yell, “I’ve found it.” It may take time, it may take new friends, a job and even a jerk of a boss who is annoyingly handsome, but I will get there.

I’m determined to be who I want to be, and plan to have a whole heap of fun along the way.

I was born in Brisbane Australia, my step-dad was in the army which caused us to move around a lot. We finally settled in country Victoria, Australia. I am the youngest of four children and I can say that I was spoilt a bit. I drove my mum crazy when I refused to eat meat at a young age.

Now I live with my husband and two children, and I find myself regretting all the troubles I put my parents through because my monsters are just as picky as I was.

I started writing in 2013 and self-published the first of the Hawks MC Club series, Holding Out. The next to follow was something different, I wrote Senseless Attraction, a YA novel. Soon, I was back to the Hawks series with number two, Climbing Out. I have more to write in the series, but there will be also be more novels in the humorous erotica genre, like Left to Chance.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Author: Gen Ryan
Title: Losing You (Trade Me Collection)
Genre: Gay Romance
Release Date: January 28, 2017
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Artist: Soxsational Cover Art
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After a tragic accident, aspiring pro-surfer Brad Morris, leaves his hometown of California to try to forget his pain. Unable to swim or surf since his loss, he focuses on a new career as a car mechanic and restorer. After years of struggling, Brad finally agrees to get help and attempts to gain back the parts of himself he lost that day in the ocean.

Colton James gave his all to his partner, Ben, but his all wasn’t enough. Dumped after buying Ben’s dream home, he buries himself further in his career as a police officer. But when he meets Brad, all bets are off, and Colton begins to question what’s more important: a job, or the one you love?

Clouded by their pasts, will both men be able to see beyond those they lost in order to have a future together?

Hot Tree Publishing Exclusive M/M Romance Collection

Trade Me is a new genre-linked collection of 30,000 - 50,000 word novellas. With so many sexy trades to pant over, Trade Me stories offer heat, swoon-worthy men, and HEAs that will leave M/M romance lovers completely satisfied.

You can find Genevieve curled up reading paranormal romance and romantic thrillers, or frantically typing her stories on her laptop.

Psychology is her trade by day, teaching and molding the minds of college students. Her interest in psychology can be seen in her books, each including many psychological undertones. Although she loves teaching, her passion, her true love, lays in the stories that roam around her in head. Yes, they all come from her mind-the good, the bad, and the totally insane. 

She lives in Massachusetts-no not Boston-with her husband, daughter, and American Eskimo dog. With each story she shares, she hopes her love for writing and storytelling seeps through, encompassing the reader and leaving them wanting more.

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 Hot Tree Publishing

Friday, January 27, 2017

Love, Adventure, and Possibility in Australia
Elena Eames ~ Kolleen Fraser ~ S. Hartley
Megan Lowe ~ Aria Peyton ~ Gen Ryan
Title: Going South
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: January 26, 2017
Cover Designer: RMGraphx
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Love, adventure, and possibility. It’s all attainable when going south. Join six incredible authors in their fun and hot romantic comedies as they celebrate the wonders of all things Australian.

When Leesa Olsen is rescued by handsome firefighter Dare McCarthy, she knows she didn't exactly make a good impression. Will accepting a date with him help her cause?

The only thing Kat Winston fears more than Australia is love. She's about to get a crash course in both.

Aspiring author Dylan Phillips travels all the way to Australia to start the next chapter of her life. Neither she nor sexy Aussie pub owner Ian King are searching for love, but that is exactly what they find.

To Vermont native Georgia, Australia is a little back to front. Then she meets Sam and he turns her already back-to-front world upside down.

On the first real holiday she's ever had with her teenage twin girls, all Belle expects is sun, sea, and to see all Australia's “big” things. The last thing she anticipates is finding love in a giant pineapple.

Pro rugby player Mason James St. Patrick is known not only for his skills on the field but in the bedroom. When PR rep Delaney Matthews is hired to clean up his image, will she be able to resist his charms or will she fall for the type of man she swore she never would?


I wrote this review in pieces after I finished each story:

Dared by Elena Earnes - Loved loved LOVED this story! I laughed out loud more times than I can count! Alastair "Dare" McCarthy - A sexy fireman with a great sense of humor and a willingness to do anything for the woman he's with - totally swoonworthy. Leesa - I could easily relate to her claustrophobic melt down. My only complaint is that I want to read more about them!

Playing for Keeps by Gen Ryan - Oh Mason, what a stud! From the first sentence this story is steamy and pulls you in. I can't blame Delaney for being cautious about his bad boy ways. And once again, I'd have love to read more about these characters!

Upside Down, Back to Front by Megan Lowe - Sam and Georgia have to be the cutest pair ever! I imagine if I moved down to Australia, or even just went to visit, I would be as confused about the language as Georgia is when she's there! I loved all the lingo in the book and explanations which made other things I know about Australia make more sense. I did have to look up drop bears when I finished though...terrifying!! Absolutely loved this story.

Pineapple Dreams by Aria Peyton - Steamy story of taking chances and grabbing life by the pun intended. I'm not a single mom so I didn't connect with Belle on a personal level, but all her fears sounded like some of my friends who are single moms with stories much like hers. Fun read with the perfect amount of heat.

Crazy by Kolleen Fraser - Cute story! Kat is a bit crazy (though I won't say that to her face!). And it's easy to see why she let her heart lead her the way it did!

Finding Love Down Under by S Hartley - I loved the story within a story in this one. Dylan, being a writer, we got to see her love story unfold and got to read her current WIP as well. Very cool concept on this one.

Fantastic Anthology!

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Title: The Gryphon Series Coloring Book
Author: Stacey Rourke
Genre: Teen Fantasy
Cover Designer: Broken Arrow Designs
Illustrators: Crystal Ord and Robert Immings
Expected Release Date: Feb. 2nd, 2017
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Blurb: Journey into the fantastical world of The Gryphon Series, written by Stacey Rourke, with original artwork that brings to life pivotal moments from the beloved Young Adult series!
RONE Award Winner for Best YA Paranormal Work of 2012 for Embrace, a Gryphon Series Novel
Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012
Turning Pages Magazine Winner for Best YA book of 2013 & Best Teen Book of 2013 
Stacey Rourke is the author of the award winning YA Gryphon Series, the chillingly suspenseful Legends Saga, and the romantic comedy Adapted for Film. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant dogs. She loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction, and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. 
Visit her at
or on Twitter or instagram at Rourkewrites.
Buy Links to the Series:
#Free with #KindleUnlimited
Conduit (FREE):
Descent (Novella):
The Gryphon Series Coloring Book: Coming Soon

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Title: My Champion
Author: Alanea Alder
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: Bewitched and Bewildered, Book 7
Release Date: December 27, 2016
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Declan Lionhart has been running interference between the Founding Families and the citizens of Noctem Falls since the day he arrived in the city. His hopes of being a simple unit warrior crumbles in the face of their troubles and it looks like he will always be bound by his family’s political legacy. But with current tensions skyrocketing to unimaginable levels, Declan’s laid back persona and easy smile are needed now more than ever.

Kari Delaney has finally achieved everything she’s ever wanted. The business she created from scratch is booming and she has her dream custom built condo in the heart of the small town where she was raised. But all that changes the day she gets her evacuation notice.

Despite being a vampire, Kari hates Noctem Falls and the politics that permeates every aspect of life within the city. Under protest she and her younger brother leave for the City of the Night.
Declan is smitten with his little general and the strength she exudes. But when it’s just the two of them he begins to break down her carefully constructed walls and show her that even though he’s easy going, he is still an Alpha, and his lion is demanding her heart.

When the entire city erupts into chaos with matings being dissolved and Founding Families making alliances, Declan realizes it will take every trick he learned at his father’s knee to maneuver through the murky political waters. Both he and his mate race against time to keep the people of the city safe, despite homesick children, disastrous dinners, Meryn’s wacky revenge plans and an unexpected pairing.
 Amazon: US | UK | AU

Bewitched & Bewildered Series Character Interview
provided by Alanea Alder

I know people wanted to ask about what Ryuu is, but I figured that’s a big spoiler and I also thought Ryuu would probably want to stay in the shadows and let Meryn take the spotlight in an interview. 

*Buxom J fidgets nervously until all her guests are seated.*

Buxom J:  “Hi guys, I want to thank you for taking time to visit with me before your trip to Noctem Falls.  I know that you’re super busy fighting ferals and packing for your trip but inquiring minds want to know.”

*points to the large group of women behind her holding various signs, one shouts out “Ryuu, I want to have your baby!”*

“Just for those out there who don’t know what’s going on.  We’re here talking with Aiden, Meryn, Gavriel and Elizabeth from Lycanoia, the shifter city in the Bewitched and Bewildered world of Alanea Alder. ”

Buxom J:  “For those who don’t know you, can you give a brief bio on yourselves?”

Meryn: shrugs Not much to say, I had a pretty lame childhood, went to college, started my own online security company then met Aiden. Then things got nuts.

Aiden winces Sorry love, you know I never meant for you to be in danger.

Meryn: It’s more fun this way, plus lots of sex.

Aiden eyes widen: Right. Coughs Anyway. I was raised in Lycaonia and always wanted to be a unit warrior like my father. I was made Unit Commander about six hundred years ago and have been leading the men ever since.

Beth shaking her head: I was raised in Noctem Falls, but I call Lycaonia home now.

Gavriel: I don’t remember much from my childhood, but I do know that my home now is with Beth.

Buxom J:  “The most burning question on everyone’s mind is….is there any update on Keelan?”  You can evade this question or any if you want if it’ll spoil anything.

Meryn shakes her head sadly Not yet, though he seems to be having a blast teasing Sascha.

Buxom J: “ Next questions are for Meryn, your fans want to know more about what you did before you met Aiden.  We know you did something that involved computers and security.  Can you go into more detail?  And,”  *sends a worried glance to Aiden and then speaks really fast and softly* “did you have any romantic relationships prior to Aiden?”

Meryn: I basically lived in a crappy little apartment. I could afford better, but I didn’t feel like moving, too much work. I’d wake up, write some code, eat a hot pocket, then go back to checking in with my clients, eat another hot pocket, watch some Doctor Who then go to bed. Bathing happened in there somewhere too,,,, sometimes.

I didn’t date much, because I hate small talk and first dates are always small talk. The few boyfriends I did have thought I was weird.

Buxom J:  “Now some fun baby questions!  When are you due?  Are you planning on finding out the gender?  Do you have any baby names picked out?”

Aiden brightens Adam thinks she’ll be due sometime in August. We’ve decided we don’t want to know the baby’s sex, we’d like for it to be a surprise. I’m personally hoping for a boy.

Meryn: It’s a girl. Meryn 2.0

Aiden: It will be a boy and I’m thinking it needs to be an A name, after me.

Meryn: If it’s a boy let’s name him Doctor. Then people will go, Doctor Who! That would be awesome!

Buxom J: “Aiden, how do you think you’re going to cope while Meryn’s in labor?”

Aiden: I have been reading What to Expect When You’re Expecting. It’s a human book about babies. I feel fairly confident I will be immensely helpful.

Buxom J:  “Beth… is it okay if I call you Beth? Do you plan on shifting so you can cuddle up with the wee one?”  *turns to grin at the other woman*

Beth:  I think I’d be better off staying human so I can remind Meryn to feed the poor thing.

Meryn: Ryuu will feed her.

Buxom J:  “Ok ladies….this is an important question….favorite Doctor?”  “Favorite enemy?”  *adjusts her Fourth Doctor t-shirt and winks*

Beth: I’m a fourth doctor fan myself. Favorite enemies, the daleks

Meryn: I’m a ten/eleven girl. I thought Matt Smith was too carefree coming off of Tenant. But I went back and watched his seasons, and the moments where he’s serious gives me chills, its like you can see Tenant peeking through. My favorite enemy right now is Missy. I’d love to be her BFF.

Beth eyes Meryn worriedly

Buxom J:  “And if you had to match up Alpha House residents with Doctor Who characters, who would correspond with who?”

Meryn: Hmm. Colton is Mickey…

Beth: Meryn! He is not, he’s really Eleven.

Meryn nods. Okay I’ll give you that. Then Aiden can be Ten, Gavriel can be Nine She turns to 

Beth.  You are definitely Sarah Jane and I’m a Martha/Amy mix.

Buxom J:  “Beth, are you excited to be heading home?  What are you looking forward to most about being home?”

Beth: I’m really hoping Sebastian will be able to add to my wardrobe, I need some new pieces for spring.

Buxom J:  “Gavriel, are you nervous about meeting Beth’s Dads, their squire and her uncle?”

Gavriel: Not in the slightest. Though I may have some questions for her guards. I would love to know how they kept her alive.

Beth: Gavriel!

Gavriel shrugs.

Buxom J:  “How long has it been since any of you, besides Meryn, has been in Noctem Falls?”

Aiden: I’ve never been.

Gavriel: Over five thousands years I believe

Beth:  I was there last year. I had to return home to heal after falling out of that dratted window.

Gavriel shudders

Buxom J:  “You know, Gavriel, this does afford you the perfect opportunity to brainstorm with her Dads about what to do when Beth becomes pregnant.  Or do you already have precautions in place?  How do you think you’ll cope?”

Gavriel: I think the safest option is to keep Beth in bed.

Everyone turns to stare.

Beth I will not be in bed nearly ten months!

Meryn If I had my laptop, that doesn’t sound too bad.

Beth laughs: Ryuu would have to drag you out of bed to get you to shower.

Meryn nods True

Buxom J:  “If you had a free day with no responsibilities and the only thing you had to do was enjoy yourselves, what would all of you do?”

Aiden: I’d want to spend the day with Meryn doing whatever she wanted.

Beth: I’d want to go on a shopping spree.

Gavriel: I am like Aiden, I would simply wish to be near my mate.

Meryn: I’d love to party with strippers at DragonCon.

Everyone turns to stare and Aiden growls

Meryn: What? You’d be there since you wanted to spend the day with me.

Buxom J:  “If you could have unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be?”

Aiden: Ammunition.

Beth: Clothes

Gavriel: Books

Meryn: My geek stuff collection

Buxom J:  “Aiden, does Meryn make you clean the bathroom, more specifically the toilet, as a punishment?”  *glances back at the peanut gallery where snickers can be heard*

Aiden: No, thank goodness. Ryuu cleans for the house.

Buxom J:  “Is Ryuu traveling with you?”

Meryn nodding. Yup!

Buxom J:  “And how are you traveling?”

Beth: Darian will open a fae portal for use. We’ll simply step through and be on the outskirts of the city.

If by car Buxom J:  “Road trip!  Are you stopping by the Duck In for snacks?  If so what ones?”

Buxom J: “And what’s on the radio?”

Buxom J:  “How many warriors are accompanying you?”

Aiden: We’ll be meeting with the Eta Unit when we arrive, so in traveling it will just be myself, Gavriel and Ryuu.

Well, folks, I think that’s all we have time for today.  We need to let these folks get back to saving the paranormal world.  *turns back to her guests* Thank you again for joining me for the interview.  We look forward to reading about the rest of your adventures in My Guardian by Alanea Alder.

 The Bewitched & Bewildered Series 
Check out the entire series on Amazon HERE

USA Today Best Selling Author, Alanea loves reading almost as much as she loves writing. She began writing at a very young age, some of her first scribblings are treasured in a keepsake box and written in green marker. She started when she was still in grade school and continued on through college.

She believes that love truly conquers all and that everyone no matter what, deserves a chance at that love and a place they can call home. She absolutely loves to hear from her readers so don’t hesitate to reach out to her. As always her promise to her readers remains, “If you keep reading, I’ll keep writing!”