Saturday, August 31, 2019

Author: R.M. Gilmore
Title: 19 Marigold Lane
Series: Prudence Penderhaus, Book 2
Genre: YA/NA Mystery/Coming of Age
Publisher: Mac Gille Mhur Publishing
Cover Artist: RMGraphX
Word Count: 91,000
Release Date: October 19th
 Quirky. Dark. Funny. Sweet. Heart-pounding/wrenching/breaking. 
And 100% original. 
Winter is coming to Flintlock and with it, the cold, bitter repercussions of uncovering long-buried secrets.
With her band of misfits in tow, Prudence, recovering from surgery, refuses to let one busted wing stop her from exposing Sheriff Floyd, falling in love with her odd boy, and finding out who the hell moved in down the street.
But someone is watching… someone she never saw coming.

"I, Prudence Penderhaus, rescued a boy, uncovered a murder, and opened a can of conspiracy worms that downright refused to go back."

  BOOK 1 

"Prudence is resilient. Cassius breaks your heart. Together they were pure magic." 
- Nicki Scalise
R.M. Gilmore is a paranormal and mystery/suspense writer and creator of the occult bestselling Dylan Hart series. She resides in the Pacific Northwest with her teenage minion, bearded man-child, and toys still in the box. With an awkward and incessant sense of humor, it is likely she will die laughing.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Title: For Better or For Worse
Series: The Vows Trilogy, book 2
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: Soxsational Cover Art
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 Available now! 
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Emma survived a madman's attack, and now she is ready to put the pieces of her life back together. After the horror she has endured, that is easier said than done. Just as she begins to feel in control once again, Fate steps in with a plan of its own. Emma must find the strength inside of herself to protect those she loves before everything is stolen by forces who wish to destroy her. 

Book 2 of 3 in Heidi Renee Mason’s romantic suspense trilogy, The Vows. This is not a stand-alone romance. 
 Available now! 
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She knew fear was a funny thing—completely irrational. In the middle of the night, when the dreams came, it was real. She was terrified, and no one could protect her, not even Liam. Every night, she relived the attack all over again.
Emma knew she should talk to a counselor, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She couldn’t imagine sitting in a strange room with a head doctor while she talked about her deepest fears. Saying it out loud might make it even more real. It was better to just ignore it.
She dragged her mind away from her problems, grabbed the plates and silverware from the cupboard, and began to set the table. Liam finished dinner and then called the girls down to eat. They cleaned their plates and asked for seconds.
Emma’s belly wasn’t the only thing growing. Her girls were maturing every single day. Lily had the look of a young woman, right on the cusp of maturity. Sometimes she would catch a glimpse of the adults her daughters would become, and she wasn’t ready for it. Dahlia’s feet had grown two sizes in the last year, and her pants were all becoming too short. Rose, Emma’s baby girl, was losing the baby look. Gone were the chubby cheeks and pudgy hands.
Her daughters were changing right before her eyes, and while it was the natural progression of life, it made her sad. Before long, there would be another little girl in the family who would also grow too quickly. Until she’d become a mother, she had no idea that it was possible to love another human being so strongly. It was like having your heart so full that you thought it might actually burst. 

* * *

The Vows Trilogy

To Have and To Hold (bk 1)
Available now!
Til Death Do Us Part (bk 3)
Releases September 7, 2019
 Preorder now for $1.99! 

Heidi Renee Mason is a passionate romance novelist and crafter of your next Happily Ever After. She loves listening to the voices in her head (from her characters, of course!) and creating worlds in which her readers can lose themselves for a little while. A native of the Midwest, Heidi now resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and three daughters.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Author: M. Billiter
Title: A Divided Mind
Genre: Domestic Thriller
Release Date: July 27, 2019
Cover Designer: Claire Smith
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 Available now! 

What if the only friend you have isn’t real?  

When the voices in his head begin to make sense, high school senior Branson Kovac turns to the one friend he’s still got… only to discover he’s not really there.

I was identifying the other parts of Kermit’s anatomy when tick boy tapped me again on the shoulder.

“What?” I glared at him and he backed away. That sudden jolt of anger triggered the shadow people. I shook my head, but it was still there. I saw a shadow of a person pick up the scalpel and attack tick boy with exact precision, cutting him across the throat. The only color I could see was red.

M. Billiter is the alter ego of contemporary, award-winning romance author, Mary Billliter.

After writing more than a dozen love stories, she is exploring the other side. Best known for her emotional honesty, Mary doesn’t write about well-adjusted people, but rather the wounds in life.

M. Billiter writes with clarity and raw emotion to explore difficult subjects and issues close to her heart. 


Title: Boost
Author: Krissy V
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: August 17, 2019
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: Soxsational Cover Art
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 On sale for half price! 
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Car boosting is all Zahara knows. She’s built her reputation as The Ghost and enjoys the anonymity. No one knows who she is, what sex she is, or when she is going to strike. That’s the way she likes it.

Nikolai Federov is the boss of one of the largest car boosting gangs in the States. He has a team of bratva working for him, and he doesn’t trust anyone.

One mistake brings their two worlds together, and what happens when they do, is explosive. 

Follow Zahara and Nikolai’s adrenaline-fueled story as they try to outwit their worst nightmare.

 On sale for half price! 

Krissy V hated English at school. Really hated it. She gave up on English literature in the fourth year because she detested writing stories; she couldn’t make them up to save her life. She disliked writing precisely and was horrendous at grammar. Having lived in Norway when she was younger, English was her second language. When she received her iPad six years ago, she started reading on the Kindle app and wrote to an author about how much she enjoyed her book. That opened up the whole Facebook author world to her. She started reviewing books--the irony is not lost on her--and then started beta reading--even more ironic--after pointing out several  mistakes in a book plot she was reviewing before release. She realised she had a story in her. While she knew everyone said that, she really believed she did. Thirteen books later… welcome to the world of Krissy V!


Friday, August 9, 2019

Title: To Have and To Hold
Series: The Vows Trilogy, book 1
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: Soxsational Cover Art
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 Available now! 
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After the death of her husband, single mom Emma McCoy has given up on love. When the mysterious Liam O’Reilly shows up in town, Emma does her best to keep her distance. What Emma doesn’t know is that Liam is connected to her past in a way that she could never imagine, and it will put her future in jeopardy.

In the small town of Beckland, Ohio, danger is the last thing that Emma expects, but since Liam’s arrival, danger is waiting around every corner.

Book 1 of 3 in Heidi Renee Mason’s romantic suspense trilogy, The Vows. This is not a stand-alone romance. 

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Moving as quickly as a woman seven months pregnant is capable of moving, Emma McCoy headed to the front door of her house. The loud knocking had awakened her from her afternoon nap. Emma yawned, trying to appear awake. She didn’t remember being this exhausted during her other pregnancies. This time, she could barely stay awake during the day.
“I’ll be right there!” Emma called toward the general direction of the front door.
Emma wondered who it could be. Her best friend, Sadie, never knocked, and her husband, Jacob, was out of town on business. Her parents wouldn’t have bothered knocking, knowing that she would be resting while the girls napped.
Emma opened the door and was startled to see two policemen. Fear immediately crept up inside of her chest and nearly stole her breath away. Her first thought was that something was wrong with her parents. She prayed that the policemen were at the wrong address, but a feeling deep inside of her gut said that they were not.
“Can I help you?” Emma’s heart raced inside of her chest. She willed herself to be calm.
“Mrs. McCoy,” said the male officer. “Can we come inside, please?”
“Of course;” Emma led them through the dining room and into her living room. She offered them a seat, but refused to take one herself. As the officers gathered their thoughts, Emma paced the living room floor.  “Someone please tell me what’s going on.”
“Mrs. McCoy, please sit down,” said the female officer. “We need you to stay calm. You’re pregnant; you can’t get so worked up.”
Emma sat awkwardly in the antique rocking chair that had been in her family for generations. Her parents had gifted it to her when she gave birth to her oldest daughter. She remembered that her mother told her that it would be perfect for rocking her daughter to sleep in it, and she was right. Emma ran her hands across the aged wood, thinking absently of her children, who were upstairs napping. Her palms were damp and her heart was racing. She tried to slow her breathing, but it was no use. She felt the need to vomit.
“Someone please tell me what’s wrong. I know something is wrong,” Emma looked directly at the officers, demanding answers. “Is it my parents?”
“Mrs. McCoy, there’s been an accident. Your husband’s plane went down while it was descending into Canada. The authorities have searched, but there were no survivors.” The female officer looked intently at Emma, gauging her reaction. “I am so sorry to bring you this news.”
“What do you mean? There must be some mistake. Jacob wasn’t even going to Canada. He’s in California on business.” Emma breathed a sigh of relief as she realized that the officers were mistaken.
“Look, I know this is a shock, Mrs. McCoy, but it has been confirmed. The passenger on the plane to Canada was your husband. We have copies of his plane ticket and his passport. He’s on the airport video surveillance. He boarded the plane with another passenger, a woman named Veronica Smith. Do you know her?” Both officers looked at one another before shifting their gazes toward Emma.
“Veronica Smith is our neighbor. She told me that she was going to Pennsylvania to visit her family. Why were Jacob and Veronica on the plane together?”  Emma’s hands began to shake. “I don’t understand. Jacob was going to California, not Canada.” A million questions filled her mind.
She sat completely still for a moment as she tried to wrap her brain around the information. The small, nagging voice had plagued her for the past year, but suddenly it was screaming. She was stupid for not listening sooner. She had always been suspicious of Jacob and Veronica, but she convinced herself that it was paranoia.  Jacob told her that she was emotional because of the pregnancy, so she pushed aside the nagging suspicion in order to keep the peace in her marriage.
Every image that she had ignored paraded through her mind. She remembered all of the times when she accused her husband of being too friendly with their lovely neighbor. With every accusation, Jacob would become incensed with anger. Emma would always back off in an effort to avoid a confrontation. 
Unable to ignore them anymore, each of the images came crashing down on her. She saw Jacob helping the beautiful Veronica trim the hedge between the houses. She saw them laughing together over a shared joke. She thought of Jacob’s insistence that he was “just being neighborly.”  She recalled the way that her husband had placed his hand on the small of Veronica’s back in a way that was too familiar for Emma’s comfort. It was all too much to take in. She had been right all along, and now she was playing the part of the clueless wife.
The room began to spin. Emma felt faint. Jacob was having an affair with Veronica and they were both dead. She was alone, with two little girls and another on the way. Emma tried to stand, but her legs wouldn’t support her. The officers caught Emma as her body gave way and she slipped into oblivion.

* * *

The Vows Trilogy

For Better or For Worse (bk 2)
Releases August 10, 2019
 Preorder now for $1.99! 

Til Death Do Us Part (bk 3)
Releases September 7, 2019
 Preorder now for $1.99! 

Heidi Renee Mason is a passionate romance novelist and crafter of your next Happily Ever After. She loves listening to the voices in her head (from her characters, of course!) and creating worlds in which her readers can lose themselves for a little while. A native of the Midwest, Heidi now resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and three daughters.
