Saturday, May 30, 2020

Feisty Lawyers Series (Book 5)
by Seelie Kay
About Martimus:  Martimus. An underwater habitat dedicated to pharmaceutical research. Martimus. A facility that staffs its vessel with inmate labor. Martimus. The place where inmates visit and never return. Agent Cate Creighton is in love. Unfortunately, as the Agency honeypot, she is knee-deep in an assignment that tests the bounds of her new relationship. It seems eight socialites have gone missing, all wealthy twenty-somethings with influential parents. No one seems to care until a former vice president’s daughter disappears. When the vice-president shares a tale of false arrest, a broken promise of deportation, an illegal diversion into a private prison, and an alleged trip to an unwater habitat called Martimus, Cate and her colleagues must find a way to follow the same path. In other words, they must enter the right prison, meet the right fixer, wind up on Martimus, and hopefully return in one piece. And it looks like Cate is the perfect bait. That doesn’t sit well with Cate’s lover, former U.S. Navy Seal Warren Hazelton. He intends to protect her until death ‘til do they part. Fortunately, another possibility appears, in the form of an MISix agent who has interfered in one too many Agency operations. Tillie Henderson owes them and they are all too willing to serve her up on a plate. It’s race against time as the Agency attempts to lure their adversary out of hiding and into their somewhat ambiguous trap. Maybe then Cate can finally focus on love. Release Date: May 29, 2019 Publisher: Extasy Books Romantic Suspense, Contemporary Romance, four flames Buy links: Publisher: Amazon: coming June 1 Barnes and Noble: Coming June 1 Kobo: Coming June 1
Excerpt from Martimus:  Tom cocked an eyebrow. “Warren, you’re a former Navy Seal. Isn’t there some sort of limit on the amount of time you can spend under the sea before it starts to seriously impair your health?” Warren frowned. “Usually two weeks. After that, the lack of exposure to the sun and the constant high pressure oxygenated environment would begin to take a toll. There’s also a psychological impact. Think sensory deprivation. Your senses are out of whack because you’ve been dumped into a soundproof sponge. There is no normal sensory stimulation. No sunlight, no sound… Even taste and smell become compromised. Coming back to the real world would be an adjustment. “In addition, those underwater stations are small. People are right on top of each other. Things we take for granted, like privacy, hot showers, home cooked meals, are in short supply. That can create anxiety, depression, and stress. No way he served that sentence consecutively. He had to take a break in between.” Warren gazed at Tom. “That environment is more hostile than a prison. You may not be in danger from other inmates, but you are putting your life at risk. Three months sounds like way too much time to be stuck underwater though, especially if you’re not leaving the station for deep sea diving on a regular basis. They must be breaking up the time somehow, otherwise they’d have a pretty tough situation on their hands. A lot of contract workers would be headed to a rubber room. It would be extremely difficult to survive a month, much less three, down there.” “Could they be treating the inmates like guinea pigs?” Hope asked. “Testing their limits? Tracking actual survival rates?” Warren sighed. “Possibly. It’s not like they have to answer to anyone. They are located in international waters. No country in particular has legal oversight. I imagine they could be doing anything they want without recourse. Unfortunately, when the prospect of a reduced sentence is dangled in front of some people, they grab it, damn the consequences. If one or two inmates suffer some sort of harm or die along the way, they chalk it up to collateral damage.” “And who’s going to know?” Cate shook her head. “Someone dies, they probably flush them down a chute into the deep sea and they become shark chum. No evidence left behind.” Hope cringed. “God, that’s kind of evil. But that still doesn’t answer our original question. Where the hell is Fuzzy? Has he already served out his sentence? Has he been released, and if he has, where the hell is he? He’s the one we need to find. He could have a lot of the answers.” “That lack of governmental oversight is troubling,” Tom said. “If Cassie McIntyre is down there, I can’t believe the CIA isn’t all over it. At least, our government should be doing a welfare check through the Red Cross or something.” Warren grimaced. “Unless no one knows she is down there. Think about it. They are on the bottom of the ocean, more than two miles under the sea. It’s not like you can just go down there and knock on the door. Any regular monitoring would be impossible.” Cate nodded. “And we haven’t been able to confirm that she embarked on the same path as Fuzzy. All we’ve got are suspicions. Right now, she’s missing. We need to sit down with her family and get more information. And we need to find other prisoners who contracted with Martimus. “Otherwise, we’ve got nothing.”
About Seelie Kay: Seelie Kay is a nom de plume for a writer, editor, and author with more than 30 years of experience in law, journalism, marketing, and public relations. When she writes about love and lust in the legal world, something kinky is bound to happen! In possession of a wicked pen and an overly inquisitive mind, Ms. Kay is the author of multiple works of fiction, including the Kinky Briefs series, the Feisty Lawyers series, The Garage Dweller, A Touchdown to Remember, The President’s Wife, The White House Wedding, and The President’s Daughter. When not spinning her kinky tales, Ms. Kay ghostwrites nonfiction for lawyers and other professionals. She resides in a bucolic exurb outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she shares a home with her son and enjoys opera, gourmet cooking, organic gardening, and an occasional bottle of red wine. Ms. Kay is an MS warrior and ruthlessly battles the disease on a daily basis. Her message to those diagnosed with MS: Never give up. You define MS, it does not define you! Seelie's Author links: Twitter: @SeelieKay Facebook: Amazon author page:
Prior Books:
An Interview with Seelie Kay: Q. Why do you write romance? Because I am fascinated by the games people play to find and secure a lasting relationship, which is not always love. There’s the chase, the courtship, the falling, the surrender. That’s what I try to capture in my stories. Q. Do you prefer a certain type of romantic hero? I adore smart, dashing gentlemen who aren’t afraid to live on the edge. They can be a bad boy, a billionaire, a prince, or a secret agent. That hint of danger just hooks me! However, I they have to be paired with strong, independent women who aren’t afraid to fight for what they want, even love. Q. Why did you write “Martimus?” This is the final book in the series, so I needed a way to tie up a lot of loose ends. That meant the Feisty Lawyers needed a compelling story to accomplish that. Something in space was beyond the realm of believability, but something at the bottom of the ocean? The possibilities were endless. I went in all sorts of directions at first, but ultimately made Martimus a key step in a much broader journey. The bottom of the ocean is an unforgiving environment. Survival is never guaranteed. Divert a few socialites there to serve out a prison sentence, make then disappear, and you’ve got what I hope is an exciting story! As a former lawyer, I also developed an interest in private prisons. These are institutions that are governed by a different set of rules and not all institutions follow the same rules. In some cases, the private prison an inmate winds up in can mean the difference between survival and death. In addition, there have been several cases of prosecutors and judges who received a financial incentive to divert inmates to private prison. Some were so incentivized that people innocent of the crimes with which they where charged have been convicted just so the prosecutor or judge could get their kickback. It is an industry that requires serious regulation and monitoring. Q. How does your former profession as a lawyer impact your writing? My friends say I am obsessed with justice and I guess that’s true. After 30 years, the law and the legal world are so firmly embedded in my brain that I can’t flush them out. That has become the lens through which I view the world and that naturally guides my characters and plots. Injustice infuriates me, but it also leads me to great stories!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Title: Murder on the Mountain
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: May 2, 2020
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: BookSmith Design
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 Available now! 
She trusts him with her life, but can she trust him with her heart?

Emma Thomas hasn’t been home in years. Only back in Staunton for a few months, she plans to put her investigative reporter skills to use in exposing the trafficking group using her peaceful, idyllic hometown to move drugs. But when she stumbles onto more than drugs, bullets start flying and she has to ask the one person she left Virginia to avoid for help. 

Detective Adam Marshall has been working this cartel case for months. On the precipice of breaking the organization wide open, he can’t believe the one woman he’d never been able to get over now holds the key to closing his case. His head warns him to steer clear, but his heart won’t let him walk away when Emma’s life is on the line. 

Thrown together by chance after so many years, Adam and Emma work together to break the biggest case of both of their careers and heal some old wounds in the process. Falling in love wasn’t on the docket for either of them, but things don’t always go as planned. 

 Available now! 

Emma reached up and straightened the collar on the flannel shirt he wore. As a kid, he had always been half a mess. One shirt-tail untucked, unruly hair, a half-popped collar. Emma liked things neat and orderly and had always been the one to keep him straight. It was kind of nice to do it again. She smiled up at him. "I feel the same way. This is our home and I hate what these criminals are doing to it."
He toyed with a strand of her hair. "So, you'll behave and let me do my job?"
She pushed him away. "I'm not a child, Adam."
Adam put his arms around her and pulled her close. Emma studied the floorboards, hoping Adam didn’t notice the heat in her cheeks. She couldn't be sure it was from her anger at him rather than his nearness so she chose to believe the former.
"Look at me, Emma." He spoke softly but there was something different in his voice. Something she hadn’t heard there before. Not when they were kids and definitely not in the last few days. "Emma? Please."
Slowly she looked up at him. He had those storm clouds in his eyes again. "What?"
"You are the farthest thing from a child. When I look at you, I see a woman. A woman I want to know better. A woman I never thought would ever walk into my life again. Fate brought you back to me and I'm not about to take that lightly."
A single tear escaped the corner of her left eye and ran a trail down her cheek. "I don't want to lose you either. You were the best friend I've ever had. We should have supported each other after Miranda's death, not run away from each other. Maybe if we had, so many things would have been different."

Science teacher by day, writer and baseball mom by night, Carolyn LaRoche lives near the ocean with her husband, two boys, rescue puppy and four cats. She loves crocheting, books, food videos and trying new recipes.

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Friday, May 22, 2020


Title: The Veiled Series Collection
Genre: Dark Fantasy
Written by: Stacey Rourke
Preorder Link:
Launching June 11th, 2020

Venture into the seedy underbelly of Nosferatu society in the Veiled Series, written by award-winning author Stacey Rourke. After a hive of vampires slaughters her family, Vincenza Larow learns that to bring down monsters... she must become one. Explore a fresh spin on vampiric lore in this thrilling collection featuring three full length books. Set Includes:


Praise for the Veiled Series:

"The writing is brilliant along with the plot. It was a different twist from all the other vampire novels I've read and it was fantastic." -USA Today Bestselling Author, A.M. Hargrove

"Plenty of humor and smoking hot romance! With so much on the line, the Nosferatu are looking for a savior, and they just might find one in someone they least expect. If you love vampires, this is a must-read series!" -Award Winning Author Casey L. Bond

Saturday, May 16, 2020

"Another great story. Warm and human, about second chances." - Goodreads review
Author: Louisa Masters
Title: In Your Hands
Series: A Joy Universe Novel
Genre: M/M Romance
When Grant Davis stepped into the job of assistant director at Joy Universe, he knew he was taking on a challenge. The AD before him left a mess nobody thought could be cleaned up—but Grant loves nothing more than beating the odds. Over a year later, he’s convinced there’s something hinky going on. The solution: an independent audit. What he doesn’t expect is that the head of the audit team will be his old college crush.

Luke Durrant’s come a long way since he last saw Grant, the man he had a steamy night with back in college. He’s been married, divorced, has a successful career, and is now a parent. But one look at Grant brings all the old feelings crashing back.

With Grant’s job in Luke’s hands, two insecure kids, and a host of nosy coworkers, it seems like professionalism is the only option… but who wants that? Grant and Luke are willing to take the shot for a second chance at happily ever after.

And then Luke’s ex turns up….
It's time to return to Louisa Masters's Joy Universe and fan-favorite Grant Davis. 
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Louisa Masters started reading romance much earlier than her mother thought she should. While other teenagers were sneaking out of the house, Louisa was working out how to read romance novels without being discovered. As an adult, she feeds her addiction in every spare second, only occasionally tearing herself away to do things like answer the phone and pay bills. She lives in Melbourne, Australia, where she whines about the weather for most of the year while secretly admitting she’ll probably never move.
Find Louisa at

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Author: Jackson Kane
Title: Billionaire Takes All
Series: Caldwell Hope Billionaire Romance
Genre: Billionaire Romance
Release Date: April 18, 2020
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: BookSmith Design

 Available now! 
The rules: The first son to provide an heir to the King fortune gets all of the five-billion-dollar inheritance. The loser gets nothing.


I did everything my father asked, including following in his footsteps to become one of the country's most ruthless businessmen. I deserve that inheritance more than my deadbeat, musician brother.

Ridiculous. All I do is win and this test will be no exception.

The record store owner, Gloria, is a sexy, alt-rock firecracker and the opposite of what I need right now, but the more she pushes me away, the more I need to have her. 

My pompous prick of a brother thinks he can beat me? I'm Mr. Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll. I can knock up any girl I want.

Any girl but the one I really want. The reason I stayed away from my hometown was because my high school sweetheart, Molly, married someone else. And now that I'm back, she's still all I can think about.

Jackson Kane's Billionaire Takes All is a scorcher that features dual POVs of both rival brothers as they screw each other over in their pursuit of thrills, sex, love, and the competition for their five-billion-dollar inheritance. Who will win their father's test? Will it be the high-powered alpha CEO Richard, or the sexy heartthrob rock star Lucas? Only one Billionaire Takes All.

 Available now! 

“Excuse me,” the woman repeated, getting closer. She was trying to hide the bookish timidity from her voice. 
That voice was crazy familiar....
“For Christ's sake, you're excused.” I grumbled as loudly as I could, shifting my arm to further shield my face from the relentless sunlight. “Now let me sleep.” 
She scoffed at my bluntness. 
The kick in the ribs I received wasn't bookish or sweet. 
“Fuck me, that's a rude way to treat a guest.” I recoiled, rolling away onto my stomach. My long, dirty-blond hair cascaded down both sides of my face as I lifted myself from a push up position. Once I got my knees under me, I shot a quick glance at her, but my eyes hadn't adjusted fully, so I only caught a glimpse before the intensity of the sun forced me to look away.
Her long, layered, brown hair had soft curls and was pulled back into a ponytail. She had a slight, yet athletic frame, and wore a gray dress. Was that the glint of glasses I saw?
Wasn't the girl last night a redhead? I also didn't remember her being this gorgeous....
“Rude? Guest?” Her tone screamed the gall of this man!
That didn't make any sense. I distinctly remember being invited to the party last night by a few fans. They wanted me here. Why was I being yelled at?
My ears were still faintly humming from all the music I had played. 
I carelessly rubbed my sore chest and abs to get off the matted grass and dirt. It was a useless effort; all my tattoos made the mess impossible to see, let alone brush off. I desperately needed a shower. I cocked my head to the side, and through my hanging hair caught the pretty brunette gawking. 
She could try to hide it, but I could tell that she liked what she saw. Damn right, I thought. I don’t work out five times a week to not look good. 
“Yeah, guest. You invited me.” My long hair blanketed my head like an overturned mop. With the speed and precision of someone who was just hit by a car, I grabbed the wadded fabric in my back pocket and pulled out a purple G-string. “These are yours, aren’t they?”
“Eww, no! And this is school property. No one invited you to sleep here!”
“What?” I flipped my hair back and took in the surroundings. If they weren't hers, then where the hell was I? 
The long, rectangular building loomed nearby, obviously some kind of school. I spotted the playground peeking out from the back of the nicely remodeled building. 
Oh wonderful. I'm shirtless and reeking of booze in front of an elementary school. Definitely not one of the high points of my life.... Yeah, this won't make it into my autobiography. I was glad it was Saturday. 
At least I hoped it was Saturday.... 
Either way, there were no children around, thankfully. Although, I'd probably make a good example of what not to do when you grow up. 
Then it got worse. I spotted the name on the building—Matt Baker Elementary school. Matt Baker. That's where I was?
“Oh shit…,” I muttered. That's why she looked and sounded so familiar. 


Jackson Kane is a professional stuntman, athlete, romance author, and above all else, a hopeless romantic. From American Ninja Warrior, to some of your favorite films, Jackson brings a unique writing style forged from countless harrowing adventures.

He’s a lover of travel, his fans, his romance author peers, dulce de leche, and all things beautifully weird and interesting. He invites you to relax, have a pisco sour and let him thrill and excite you in a way no other author can. Jackson will show you what the world looks like through the eyes of a genuine Bad Boy.

Come with him, and…


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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Title: Murder on the Mountain
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: May 2, 2020
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: BookSmith Design
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 Available now! 
She trusts him with her life, but can she trust him with her heart?

Emma Thomas hasn’t been home in years. Only back in Staunton for a few months, she plans to put her investigative reporter skills to use in exposing the trafficking group using her peaceful, idyllic hometown to move drugs. But when she stumbles onto more than drugs, bullets start flying and she has to ask the one person she left Virginia to avoid for help. 

Detective Adam Marshall has been working this cartel case for months. On the precipice of breaking the organization wide open, he can’t believe the one woman he’d never been able to get over now holds the key to closing his case. His head warns him to steer clear, but his heart won’t let him walk away when Emma’s life is on the line. 

Thrown together by chance after so many years, Adam and Emma work together to break the biggest case of both of their careers and heal some old wounds in the process. Falling in love wasn’t on the docket for either of them, but things don’t always go as planned. 

 Available now! 

Science teacher by day, writer and baseball mom by night, Carolyn LaRoche lives near the ocean with her husband, two boys, rescue puppy and four cats. She loves crocheting, books, food videos and trying new recipes.

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