Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Title: Beautiful Torment
Author: Gen Ryan
Series: Thin Red Lines #3 (Standalone)
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Thriller, Crime
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Desiree Garcia always runs from her problems. But escaping memories and tragedy is impossible, no matter the distance. When her last FBI case pushes Desiree to her limits, she knows it’s time to move once more. This time, she heads back home and returns to her family and to her best friend she abandoned so long ago.

Hunter Collins was there for Desiree from the day they met at just twelve years old. He stood by her and waited for her, even when she joined the FBI, leaving him and all she loved behind. Now she’s back, he’s determined to not let her go again.

When faced with a police case that she can’t say no to, Desiree and Hunter navigate through the investigation as she faces the horrors of her past. As they struggle to solve the case, it’s up to Hunter to keep her tethered.

Will love and friendship be enough to save Desiree from herself and all that is tormenting her?

“Why are you looking at me like I’m a piece of meat?” I glared at Hunter, who had this distant, yet sexual look in his eyes. His gaze traveled over my face, down my body, and stopped at my chest. He’d been looking at me differently since I came home, like he wanted to jump my bones. It wasn’t unwelcome. What girl didn’t like being looked at like she was everything to someone? Ben looked at me like that, but I didn’t feel anything other than horny most of the time. Hunter and I had history, a past that wasn’t hidden; he knew all there was to know about me, and I knew all there was to know about him. The thought of him between my legs crept into my mind often. The way his glasses balanced on his nose when he was doing research, the scruff on his face because he hadn’t shaved in days because he was following a lead and neglected everything about himself until he had answers. The slight tan of his skin that seemed perpetual due to the California sun. My absolute favorite thing about him, though, was his smile. It always stretched across his face and showcased the little wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. Even when I was sad, or missing my sisters. Or my prior FBI colleagues turned best friends, Eden, Avery, and Madison. Hunter’s smile took some of that pain away.

“Sorry, your shirt is rather distracting.” Hunter whistled as he spun the keys to my car around in his hand. I glanced down and remembered that I’d thrown on a white T-shirt with no bra. My round, brown nipples were hard and peeking through. That’s what I got for having naughty thoughts about Hunter between my legs.

“It’s natural,” I mumbled, pulling on my shirt so it wasn’t so tight against me. Hunter grunted and shook his head.

“Let’s, um—” Hunter looked over the top of his glasses. “Head to your parents?” I didn’t like the awkwardness that had fallen over the room. I thought about lifting my shirt and giving him a full, unobstructed view of what was underneath. Again, bad idea. Sex and friendship never worked. But my God, was the sexual tension annoying as hell. Maybe just a little peek.

I stretched. Hunter’s eyes widened again as my nipples pressed against my shirt. Fuck. Now the tension was full-blown desire.

“Damn. I’m sorry. I’ll go change.” I got up and headed to my bedroom as Hunter called after me.

“Loving the view, but unless you’re going to stop being a tease, white shirt without a bra simply won’t do.” We played this game all the time. Flirted innocently. Lately though, there seemed to be more behind what we both said. I told him to shove something in my mouth to shut me up when I started talking incessantly, and secretly wanted it to be his dick. And he told me he’d service all my needs and to kick Ben to the curb. Well, there was no Ben, and my needs would need servicing, so….

“I’m changing, you horndog.” I quickly threw on a bra and a darker-colored shirt. “Let’s go before you hump my leg.” Hunter laughed as he shook his head.


Other Books in the Thin Red Lines Standalone Series
Book 1
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Book 2
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You can find Genevieve curled up reading paranormal romance and romantic thrillers, or frantically typing her stories on her laptop.

Psychology is her trade by day, teaching and molding the minds of college students. Her interest in psychology can be seen in her books, each including many psychological undertones. Although she loves teaching, her passion, her true love, lies in the stories that roam around in her head. Yes, they all come from her mind-the good, the bad, and the totally insane. 

She lives in Massachusetts-no, not Boston-with her husband, daughter, and American Eskimo dog. With each story, she shares, she hopes her love for writing and storytelling seeps through, encompassing the reader and leaving them wanting more.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Author: Megan Lowe
Title: Breaking Away
Series: Rocking Racers, Book 3
Genre: Contemporary Sports Romance
Release Date: August 5, 2017
Cover Designer: Claire Smith

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To the outside world, Mav Ryan is living the dream. With a high profile and successful FMX career, it’s something Mav knows a million guys would kill to have. But not him. He yearns for something different, something more.

Aubrey James has had enough of bad boys to last a lifetime. When her brother, Josh, brings home the heavily tattooed definition of a bad boy, Mav, she wants nothing to do with him. It's not until a shadow from Aubrey’s past threatens her future, that to her surprise, Mav steps in.

But can he fight her demons as well as his own? Or will Mav realise that sometimes breaking away can lead to finding your home?

It’s a cliché, but as I walk out of the ballroom the gala is being held in, I feel lighter, like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. The sounds of the party quickly fade as I leave it and my family behind. I know this is a shitty way of doing things, but I couldn’t think of another way. Besides, it’s not like I had this planned. It was only when Reed gave his toast that I realised I had no idea what I was waiting for. It’s not like my family are going to give me a permission slip to leave. I don’t even know if they know I’m not happy. Nope, this is all up to me.

I quickly drive through our moderately sized home town to the house Jax and I share. Looking out my bedroom window, I can see the house I grew up in, the lights all on. My pa and pop are in there looking after Avery and Chris. I know I should go over there and tell them what I’m doing, where I’m going, but I’m scared shitless of their reaction. It’s not that I think they’ll be pissed; it’s the disappointment I know I’ll see in their eyes that stops me. I might be the strong, silent type, but I don’t know if I’m strong enough to withstand that. With all my shit packed, I quickly scribble a note.

I’m sorry I left this way, but it was the only way I thought I could. I don’t mean to upset anyone, but I can’t live like this anymore, it’s too much. Please let me go. I’ll be okay and get in touch when I’m ready. I’m sorry. I love you all, Mav.

I’m an hour outside Booker when the calls start. First Bria, then Reed and Jax. Just as I reach the New South Wales border, a final text message comes through, this one from Park.
Park: Do what you need to, be safe, we love you.
I turn off my phone and toss it onto the passenger seat. The road stretches out in front of me, and for the first time in a long time I feel like I can breathe.

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Rocking Racers Series SALE!

Breaking the Cycle
Book 1
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No Place to Hide
Book 2
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Megan Lowe is a lost journalism graduate who after many painful years searching for a job in that field, decided if she couldn’t write news stories, she would start listening to the characters whispering stories to her and decided to write them down.  She writes primarily New Adult/Contemporary Romance stories with Sport and Music themes. She is based on the Gold Coast but her heart belongs to New York City. When she’s not writing she’s either curled up with a good book, travelling or screaming at the TV willing her sporting teams to pull out the win.

 Game On Submissions

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Author: Randi Perrin
Title: Virtue and Honor
Series: Earthbound Angels, Book 3
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: July 29, 2017
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: RMGraphX

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Angela Waters juggles two high-stress jobs: nurse and earthbound angel. On a rare girls’ night out, she intervenes and saves the life of Mason Kearney, a stripper with southern charm and a secret. It’s a move that will force her to contemplate why in all the heavens she puts up with the injustice of being an angel, which leads to a bombshell that challenges everything she’s ever known.

In the midst of falling for the Alabama boy, she’s in for the fight of her life when a demon, hell-bent on taking her wings, shows up at the most inopportune times.

With a family of angels rallying behind her, she’s sent on a mission to learn everything about them, herself, and evil, to save all the earthbounds from an untimely demise.

Can Angela survive with her heart and her wings intact?

Angela cringed as the stripper—egged on by a twenty from her best friend, Harper—moved even closer. He was just a breath away, gyrating his hips in time with the heavy bass beat blasting from the speakers in the hazy room.
He was attractive, she’d give him that, with his washboard abs covered in stripper grease and his square jaw covered in light stubble. His shoulders were broad and his smile projected warmth. But she had no clue how to act with a cute guy grinding his heart out, his crotch—covered by a thin layer of sparkly purple fabric—almost dead even with her nose. She had been hypnotized by the guy since the moment she laid eyes on him, a pull that kept her from looking away, which was the only reason why she didn’t make Harper do an about face and walk them back out the door when they got there. When Harper suggested a “girl’s night out,” she had no idea it would culminate in ogling well-oiled men and shoving bills down their contour-hugging briefs. Even if it did include the brown-haired Adonis scantily clad in purple who was shaking what his momma gave him as he prowled around for money.
Angela gave him a tiny smile before she leaned back against the hard chair and winced. For a place that relied on customers staying for long periods of time, the seats were not comfortable.
Harper pulled a few more bills out of her wallet and winked at her. “Enjoying the scenery? I can get him back over here.” She thumbed through the wad of ones and fives with a smile.
“I can’t believe you brought me to a place like this,” Angela said, reaching for the glass in front of her, which contained the remnants of a virgin tequila sunrise… so, just a sunrise.
“I can’t believe you’ve never been to a place like this. You are straight, aren’t you?”
Angela rolled her eyes. Harper knew her preferences. In fact, Angela had been in lust with Harper’s younger brother for most of high school, finally hooking up with him during their senior year. However, he had been ripped from everyone too soon. She’d been on a few dates since then, but no one had lived up to Bryce. Angela didn’t have time for a relationship anyway, what with pulling twelve-hour shifts at work.
“Come on, it’s been three years since we lost Bryce,” Harper said, sadness clouding her eyes for a split second before returning to glee with the sights that surrounded her. “We’ve got to get you a good hook-up, get you laid. You’re still just as virgin as that drink in your hand. Speaking of the drink, we should fix that as well.”

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Randi has spent her entire life writing in one form or another. In fact, if she wasn't writing, she'd likely go completely and utterly insane. Her husband has learned to recognize when the voices are talking in her head and she needs some quality time with an empty Word file (the key to a successful marriage with a writer).

She lives with her husband, daughter, and four-legged children—all of which think they are people too.

A pop culture junkie, she has been known to have entire conversations in movie quotes and/or song lyrics.

 Game On Submissions

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Title: The Brandon Fisher FBI Series
Author: Carolyn Arnold
Publisher: Hibbert & Stiles Publishing Inc.
Genre: Thriller, Police Procedural
Profilers. Serial killers. The hunt is on. Do serial killers and the FBI fascinate you? Do you like getting inside the minds of killers, love being creeped out, sleeping with your eyes open, and feeling like you’re involved in murder investigations? Then join FBI agent and profiler Brandon Fisher and his team with the Behavioral Analysis Unit in their hunt for serial killers. This is the perfect book series for fans of Criminal Minds, NCIS, Silence of the Lambs, Seven, Dexter, Luther, and True Crime. Read in any order or follow the series from the beginning: Eleven, Silent Graves, The Defenseless, Blue Baby, Violated, Remnants. Grab your copy of the first book, Eleven, for FREE on Kindle and Nook!


Meet today’s guest, Carolyn Arnold.


She is an international bestselling and award-winning author, as well as a speaker, teacher, and inspirational mentor. She has four continuing fiction series and has written nearly thirty books. Both her female detective and FBI profiler series have been praised by those in law enforcement as being accurate and entertaining, leading her to adopt the trademark, POLICE PROCEDURALS RESPECTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT™.

Today, she answers a few questions for us and gives us insight into her life and journey as a mystery author.

Have you ever been on a manhunt or at the scene where a dead body was found?

I took part in my local police department’s Citizen’s Academy. As part of this, I received an inside look at seventeen divisions over a ten-week period. As an added benefit, each student was afforded a ride-along. And mine… Well, I went on the perfect one for a crime writer.

My ride-along actually started out with a manhunt. I experienced the excitement of wanting to find the guy and found myself scrutinizing every male I spotted in the area just to make sure he wasn’t the one we were after. Unfortunately, the search moved to the downtown area from the eastern end of the city where the hunt had begun, and the sergeant signed off the investigation. By the end of my ride-along, about five hours later, the man still hadn’t been found.

After the sergeant left the investigation, he turned to me as he was driving and asked if I had ever seen a dead body. I told him I had at memorials and funerals and then asked why. I soon found out that our next stop involved one.

I figured I’d catch a glimpse of the deceased under a tarp or being wheeled away, but I got far more than that. I received a front-row seat to a death investigation. For hours, the sergeant and I were mere feet away from the body. I witnessed firsthand how it changed color over time, but I also found that I went into detective-mode. The forensic identification unit—essentiallyCSIs—was called in and arrived with collection kits. The team members gloved up, snapped photographs, took fingerprints from the deceased, and more.

The entire time that I was on scene, I noticed myself going into a detached state—theresult of adrenaline. Later that evening, it began to sink in that I had spent hours with a dead body, and I was nauseated. As more time passed, I became weepy as it sank in that the deceased had been a husband, a father, a lover, a friend…a person. That night I dreamed about the man. It wasn’t a nightmare, but I was an officer trying to figure out what had happened to him.

I couldn’t imagine returning to the field the next day and having a similar experience or witnessing something even worse, like a violent murder scene or that of a fatal car accident.

What do members of law enforcement say about your books?

Many testimonials attest that I am pleasing readers in law enforcement. They love that my mysteries are accurate in that regard, and they view that alone as a sign of my respect for them.

Here are a few testimonials that I have received on Eleven (Brandon Fisher FBI series):

“I spent thirty-eight years with a major police department in Missouri, fifteen of which were in the homicide section. I also had numerous dealings with the FBI throughout my career, mostly bank robbery, interstate shipment thefts, and a few kidnappings. Eleven kept my interest piqued throughout… Loved it.”
Richard Bartram, Sergeant (retired), St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, St. Louis, MO

“I am a forty-year veteran of police work. All local, no Fed. Eleven was a great read. All the descriptors and nomenclature were spot on.”
–Joe Danna, Police Officer, Katy Independent School District Police Department, Katy, TX

“Very good! I worked as a police officer for eleven years and with the Federal Bureau of Prisons for twenty-two. I have also dealt with the FBI.”
–Richard Smith, Facilities Development Manager (retired), Federal Bureau of Prisons, Central Office, Washington, DC

“A great police procedural! … Full of twists and turns. The characters are well-developed and a mix of interesting personalities. … Holds your interest to the end!”
–Mark Davis, FBI Special Agent (retired), Washington, DC

What did you do before you became a bestselling author?

For a living, I worked in accounts receivable for a few different companies collecting from businesses. Yet, despite working full time, in 2006 I was reunited with writing. I wrote every chance I got—before work, on lunch breaks, after work, on the weekends. I became so focused on writing and the publishing world that hardly a day went by without them being a part of my life, and since the summer of 2014, I’ve been a full-time author.

How do you know so much about what criminals think?

I can’t answer that without incriminating myself… Just kidding.

Everyone has what we call a “darkside.” In writing these books, I suppose you could say I tap into this side of my psyche. Whatever I can scheme up is possible, and I write that which scares and excites me.

When did you know that you had hit the big time with your books?

When I got to say good-bye to my day job! Even before I fully resigned, I had cut back a five-day a week job to four days, then to three. It got to the point, though, that I loathed going in for that many days, and I knew it was time to make the move and become a full-time author. That was in the summer of 2014. Since then, I incorporated my own publishing company in the summer of 2015, and, at the start of 2016, my husband joined me there full time.

Connect with CAROLYN ARNOLD Online:
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And don’t forget to sign up for her newsletter for up-to-date information on release and special offers at

 photo Carolyn-Arnold-Author-Photo-Hi-Res.jpg CAROLYN ARNOLD is an international best-selling and award-winning author, as well as a speaker, teacher, and inspirational mentor. She has four continuing fiction series—Detective Madison Knight, Brandon Fisher FBI, McKinley Mysteries, and Matthew Connor Adventures—and has written nearly thirty books. Her genre diversity offers her readers everything from cozy to hard-boiled mysteries, and thrillers to action adventures. Both her female detective and FBI profiler series have been praised by those in law enforcement as being accurate and entertaining, leading her to adopt the trademark: POLICE PROCEDURALS RESPECTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT™. Carolyn was born in a small town and enjoys spending time outdoors, but she also loves the lights of a big city. Grounded by her roots and lifted by her dreams, her overactive imagination insists that she tell her stories. Her intention is to touch the hearts of millions with her books, to entertain, inspire, and empower. She currently lives just west of Toronto with her husband and beagle and is a member of Crime Writers of Canada.

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